Please Read My Profile
2013-04-11 04:41:43 UTC
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我知道一些使人們感到舒適和 >放下俗氣的微笑,然後得到嚴肅的表情。但除此之外,應該 捕捉人物的個性或本質。當我與那個人在一起的時間很短時,我不僅能獲得技術上不錯的“與人相處的照片”,還能得到更多的東西嗎?

我認為這是認真工作的攝影師所遇到的事情每時每刻。當是溫斯頓·丘吉爾(Winston Churchill)(或其他著名人物)時,可能會事先進行研究,或者讓運氣(和chutzpah)做這種吸雪茄的把戲,但是我想在短時間內坐下來拍照的普通陌生人呢?

六 答案:
2013-04-11 07:32:19 UTC
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You've hit the hard part, all right. And there is a distinct difference between shooting celebrities and cultural icons and shooting "real people". How many of Churchill's friends would have looked at Karsh's masterpiece and said (in today's vernacular), "that's so-o-o Winnie!!!" But it was very much the way the world needed to see Winston Churchill at the time, so if he only ever looked like that when someone had stolen his stogey or hidden his Scotch, it really didn't matter. He was an icon, and that portrait was an icon of the icon. In the same way, nobody wanted to know, really, what Archie Leach or Norma Jeane Baker looked like, they wanted pictures of Cary Grant and Marilyn Monroe.

When you're dealing with "real people", it's difficult to imagine ahead of time what that picture is going to look like. And it doesn't help at all that you are hampered by what sociologists call the Observer's Paradox — sticking a camera (or microphone, or even a notebook) in somebody's face and saying "don't mind me, just act normal," almost always has the opposite effect, at least in the short term. But you're not after the Daguerreotype look (a technically perfect picture lacking life altogether), nor is this a model shoot. You don't want people looking at the picture and saying, "that looks just like George," you want them saying, "that's so-o-o George!!!" The shot can be perfectly lit and executed, and can have a "great expression" and still be a failure as a portrait. You want an iconic representation of that person; someone their friends and family would have recognised from behind at a distance at night on a crowded sidewalk, to stretch a metaphor slightly.

That takes engagement on a personal level. Ideally, you'd want to have a bit of a pre-photo-session session with them, but that's not always possible. Let's assume, though, that you have something more to work with than the poor buggers who do school pictures (two a minute at least — "sit on the stool, 'assume the pose' and smile" is all the time you get for two exposures per kid). You can train yourself to be "intuitive", but it takes time and practice. (I started out life with something on the autism spectrum, and that led to some major problems that made staying that way untenable. People tend to mistake me for a sympathetic "people person" now, despite the fact that I'd rather be solitary almost all of the time.) Start with good body language and cold-reading techniques books. There's no need to make a study of it; just get the gist. If you can get them talking about themselves on any level, you can steer them deeper into their real lives, and they will become "real people". And you can get that transition from "client" to "person" down to just a few minutes with a little practice.

If you haven't had the chance yet, I'd suggest looking at Peter Hurley's videos as a sort of a rough guide. Most of the magic happens during the first "look" of his sessions, where the subject is minimally made up and simply dressed. (Later looks stretch people out of the everyday. These are, after all, actors' headshots and need to show who they can be as much as who they are. The first look is probably closest to who they are in everyday life.) You might not have half an hour at your disposal, but you can work in a bit of banter — and the disarmament tools are priceless.

AJ Henderson
2013-04-11 09:17:12 UTC
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2014-12-12 23:15:48 UTC
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對我來說,捕捉人像的本質是一個挑戰。有時我成功,有時卻不成功。當前正在從事肖像項目,這個捕捉“本質”的主題擺在前面和中間。幸運的是,我以朋友或同事的身份認識了許多肖像主題。有人會認為這種優勢會使工作變得容易。不必要。我現在不僅僅是一個朋友,而是一個可怕的照相機後面的人,他們通常不熱衷於照相。和他們來我工作室最舒服。在研究了Arnold Newman的工作之後,我可以看到這種方法的好處。使用可用的照明似乎也可以使主體保持放鬆。不使用燈光會使他們感覺不到像在顯微鏡下一樣。在談論他們的項目,計劃和生活時,我可以觀察他們的臉和身體的動作,看看他們如何回應我對他們的生活和工作的詢問。


Dan Wolfgang
2013-04-11 06:08:45 UTC
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Todd Lehman
2013-04-12 03:47:18 UTC
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2014-12-13 02:09:00 UTC
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但是當我和“陌生人”在一起時,我所做的事情並沒有為槍擊案做太多。我說“這只是一個測試”(實際上是第一張照片),但是隨後我再也不會說“好,這是真實的照片”,我只是自然地從調整確認過渡到了真實的拍攝而沒有宣布。 p>


在假裝時,我也會停頓一下,以停止關注肖像畫。我假裝在相機中查看照片,或檢查設備中的某些物品,但出於相對的原因,我密切注意它們的自然姿勢和手勢。之後,我告訴他們:“ 採取這種姿勢”或“ 這樣笑”,然後繼續進行重現,但是這次是煙熏,請務必告訴他們



為了提高他們的信心,我快速給他們看了幾張照片,只有我認為真的很不錯,而且只有幾秒鐘。另外,我會盡量保持一張“這真的很好”的臉,並且如果拍攝不完美或出現嚴重錯誤,也不會表現出失望。 (例如,幾天前,在一次射擊中,我的一個頻閃燈未點火,我沒有做出任何反應,而是繼續射擊。當我在郵政中輕笑時,恰巧射擊非常好,


該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。