是否有適用於Linux的Fuji X10原始轉換器?
2012-06-11 15:04:46 UTC
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有人知道在Ubuntu中是否可以轉換Fuji X10 Raw文件嗎?


更新:我的意思是全力支持,我了解Raw Therapee的支持有限(如果您是x10 / RT用戶,請分享您對評論的想法)

我有一個富士XF1,它的傳感器與X10相同。我正在運行Ubuntu 12.04,但對使用原始文件沒有經驗。導入到Darktable和Raw Therapee的XF1原始文件的顏色錯誤,似乎紅色是藍色。我可以通過選擇不同的輸入顏色配置文件在“暗表”中糾正此問題:“線性紅外BGR”我不知道為什麼,但是有了該顏色配置文件,一切看起來都應該正確。我無法在Raw Therapee中修復它,所以我不能使用它。無論如何,Darktable似乎比RawTherapee具有更多功能。我還使用Wine在Ubuntu中安裝了Fuji's Silkypix(用於Windows)。它
七 答案:
2012-06-11 15:51:46 UTC
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Fuji X10。

也許 UFRaw也將支持它,因為它不包含在受支持的攝像機列表中。 。 UFRaw使用dcraw作為其後端。

查看http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/Cameras.html,其中列出了各種Fuji X型號。在此頁末尾的註釋中指出:_UFRaw應該轉換以上所有數碼相機中的原始圖像而不會產生任何歧視,無論您使用的是Linux,Mac還是MS-Windows。
2012-12-30 10:37:36 UTC
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The issue you're going to have is two-fold.

The X10's EXR sensor is not something other cameras have, save for a couple of Fuji cameras. The EXR sensor can do a lot of things with the available pixels in the sensor and that is why their RAW files are a little odd compared to those of say the X-Pro1 or 100 which use the X-Trans sensors.

You'll potentially have a RAW image that contains the pairs of pixels, and a lot of RAW software doesn't expect there to be a 12mp sensor with a 6mp image, twice. When you're using the EXR modes on the dial you cannot also capture RAW, but you can force the camera to use the EXR sensor in this way by setting the size of your image from Large to Medium and then use RAW+JPEG.

In-camera RAW conversion to JPEG will do the binning of those pixels properly and always get great results (though believe me, I can understand not wanting to sit around with your camera in your lap for an hour doing trial and error conversions on a 2" LCD.)

Fuji doesn't publish the format on these to my knowledge, which is why there isn't native support for the X10's RAW in Aperture. Adobe Lightroom will convert it to Adobe DNG, or you can use the Adobe DNG converter, which may or may not help you (I don't know if there is a DNG converter for computers running FOSS).

Ultimately if FOSS compatibility and capability for RAW is really important to you, the X10 isn't going to make it easy for you (or even mildly annoying); there are better purchases within those constraints. The quirks of the X10 (or any other camera) take some practice and experience; I'm not delighted with the way I'm handling the X10's RAF RAW on OS X and Aperture, but at least I have the benefit of being able to make do with DNG converter. I knew that I'd have some rough ground to cover before I purchased it, but after using the X-Pro1 for a while (and having it outside of my budget) I couldn't see myself liking anything else more.

Update: I have used dcraw and ufraw-batch and made TIF and PNG images, they were pretty good. The JEPGs out of the camera are arguably better though, which is further evidence that the RAW-to-X software out there (other than the bundled SilkyPix) may not always handle the binned data correctly. Or I'm really bad at processing images (very likely!) and can't match the camera because I'm a dunce!

IMO, Fuji's quality control is outstanding, the X series are built in Japan and use excellent components. The 'White Orbs Problem' has never affected more than 1 out of 10,000 photos I've taken and if I sent in a camera for repair and it came back with dust in the lens I'd just send it back. It isn't like Fuji engineers are doing the labor on that.

謝謝,@MichaelClark!在以下評論中添加:@fortran,其他X系列相機(X-Pro1,X-E1,X100,X100等)中的APS-C X-Trans傳感器也與傳統的拜耳傳感器不同,但得到了更好的支持比EXR傳感器要多得多,包括dcraw。如果我使用的是Ubuntu工作站或其他工具,則可能會使用Darktable而不是Lightroom,它應該能夠處理X-Trans RAF文件。在購買新相機之前,請先找到示例RAW文件進行測試!
似乎Darktable不支持X-trans,也沒有計劃很快提供任何支持... http://www.darktable.org/2012/10/whats-involved-with-adding-support-for-new-cameras/
2012-08-18 07:17:27 UTC
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順便說一句,如果您還沒有購買,請確保您購買的沒有白球問題。確保唯一的方法是拍攝強烈反射或直射光。我剛從富士膠片回來。白色的球體是固定的,但現在我的鏡頭上有灰塵了。 Fujifilm的質量控制是不可接受的。您最好購買一個已經可以使用的產品,並希望它永遠不會破損。



Darktable 1.1.3無法處理X10示例文件。我剛剛檢查了這個文件:http://img.photographyblog.com/reviews/fujifilm_finepix_x10/sample_images/fujifilm_finepix_x10_01.raf
Pedro Côrte-Real
2014-08-21 00:12:44 UTC
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當前的不穩定版本的Darktable包括對該相機和許多其他相機(包括大多數或所有現代的Fujis)的全面支持。它使用rawspeed(一種更現代的原始解析/解碼庫)進行處理。可以在以下位置獲得包含此支持的Ubuntu PPA:



2015-04-01 23:36:59 UTC
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UFRaw現在(自2014年末/ v0.20開始)支持Fuji X-Trans濾鏡。 RAW文件已被長期支持。我發現的樣本照片轉換效果很好。我沒有確切的模型可以嘗試,但是對於任何尋求答案的人,都應該嘗試一下。

Darktable在實驗分支(1.5)中也有支持 a>,並有望將其保持在下一個穩定水平(1.6)。

2016-01-24 19:06:55 UTC
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您嘗試過Lightzone嗎?我有一台Fuji XE1,並且Lightzone完美運行。您可以從項目的網站 http://www.lightzoneproject.org/

Frank Schwieterman
2013-07-16 00:03:51 UTC
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鏈接: http://rawtherapee.com/

由於RawTherapee,我在這裡尋求解決此問題的方法。這似乎是一個很好的程序。以良好的色彩顯示Fujifilm Finepix HS50EXR原始圖像的預覽。但是,當您打開文件時,它會變成“藍色”。

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