matt burns
2013-01-09 00:00:10 UTC
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Do you charge? Do you refuse?

I find I am often asked to shoot my friend's weddings but feel I cannot accept payment if they are close friends. The money isn't the issue, the downside is that wedding photography is a lot more work than most people realise. You have to be alert all day, talk to everyone, you won't be in any photos, you can't get drunk...

Does anyone here make it a policy to refuse shooting weddings for friends and family? If so, how distant does the relationship have to be before you accept?

Am I being harsh? Should I just always do the shoots for them? Is doing it for free or at a reduced rate devaluing the industry for other hard-working photogs?

I'm not a full-time pro photographer, but I do occasional paid work. I've shot a several weddings but to be honest, I much prefer baby/family shoots. I only do a bit because it helps justify an expensive hobby and I spend my time focussing on my other business.

五 答案:
Olin Lathrop
2013-01-09 01:08:29 UTC
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I am a amateur, but am sometimes thought of as the "photographer" in the family. People pictures aren't my thing, but I do it when there are significant events I would be stuck having to attend anyway. Ususally these events are boring, so I don't mind taking pictures. It gives me something to do and gives me a good excuse to not have to sit there while Aunt Fuddyduddy keeps everyone so spellbound describing here latest ailments and cures and interrupts if anyone tries to change the subject.

The time for taking the pictures is therefore free, even a welcome alternative to Aunt Fuddyduddy. The unpaid time-consuming work is later to post process and thin the lot to ones that are at least acceptable. Others don't understand and appreciate how much time it takes to do this right. This is the real favor they are asking, although they rarely understand that.

I make it clear up front that all they should expect from me is a DVD with the presentable pictures in preview and full res formats. It's up them what they want to select to print, put in a book, or whatever they want to do with any of the pictures. I use my normal system for documenting a set of pictures, which includes a tree of HTML files, several preview sizes, and record of the date/time and other info about each picture. You can pop the DVD into any computer and look over the pictures, drill down to get more detail on any of them, sequence thru the bunch, and retrieve the full res versions for possible printing and the like. It still takes hours to put all that together, but it's a lot less work than what a formal wedding photographer does.

根據我上面的評論,我將不在討論之列! :)但我不禁在這裡鳴叫。對於一生一次的活動,我認為拍照並不是一件容易的事。您可以在正確的時間,正確的時間到達正確的位置,而不會妨礙您,並以正確的方式獲得正確的圖像。這是很多工作,而且很困難。
您是@Olin OT:還是DVD的手工製作者,還是您擁有一些使之相當簡單的工具?這聽起來完全像我在此問題中想要的:http://photo.stackexchange.com/q/30504/14042
2013-01-09 02:57:08 UTC
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我認為您需要回答的問題是“ 您能提供他們期望的結果”嗎?如果他們因為負擔不起而仍然不聘請專業人士(不是每個人都會慶祝一場盛大的婚禮-有時(如果是親密的家人),那麼如果您至少有一個備用攝像頭,並且是朋友/家人中最好的攝影師,那麼您可能會讓他們感到非常幸福。會遇到麻煩的。。。





2013-01-09 01:34:38 UTC
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This is a highly personal decision. It depends on whether you really want the work, and at what rate. And of course whether you want to attend the wedding at all, if it's a distant relative, or if you'd prefer to attend as a normal guest at a friend's wedding so you can relax and enjoy it. I see your choices as:

  • Decline. Tell them you do not enjoy shooting weddings, but perhaps offer to do an engagement shoot, if that's something you enjoy doing.

  • Accept and charge your going rate, perhaps slightly discounted

  • Accept and do the shoot as your wedding gift

I don't think you should feel guilty asking for payment. Are your friends and relatives getting catering, flowers or a reception venue for free? I doubt it. If it's a young couple on a budget though, doing as your wedding gift is a nice gesture.

2013-01-09 09:46:51 UTC
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Michael Nielsen
2013-01-09 02:44:31 UTC
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您還可以向他們解釋您將要做的事情與職業攝影師將要做的事情,享受聚會,醉酒並拍攝大量照片的局限性,然後為他們提供2-3張完整jpeg的DVD。 em>他們進行打印,並在在線相冊創建者服務上製作相冊。然後由他們決定是否也聘請專業人士參加婚禮。

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。