什麼是更好的圖像質量?佳能400mm 5.6L加1.4增倍鏡的全畫幅,或者帶相同鏡頭的裁切鏡框?
Roy J
2012-12-31 00:38:44 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

我將使用400mm 5.6L鏡頭升級到佳能7D進行觀鳥。使用1.6作物因子傳感器(大致)具有與我的其他選擇相同的放大因子,可以使用具有相同鏡頭的佳能5D mkII和佳能1.4增倍鏡。正確設置和處理,關於哪個選項最有可能產生最佳圖像質量的任何建議?

情況不一樣,但您可能會發現這很有用:http://photo.stackexchange.com/questions/23064/canon-extender-2x-iii-with-70-200mm-f4l-vs-100-400mm- f4-5-5-6l-野生動物徐
四 答案:
2012-12-31 01:42:40 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I would choose the 7D for a few reasons:

  1. The effective maximum aperture of the 5D Mark II combo will be f/5.6 X 1.4 = 7.84, nearly f/8. This will somewhat cancel out the light-gathering advantage of the full frame camera.

  2. You will still have a bit less effective reach with the full-frame camera, even considering the small pixel-count difference and even if you crop. Cropping always degrades image quality as well.

  3. While the 400 f/5.6L is not a bad prime by any means, its image quality will noticeably suffer when using the 1.4X teleconverter (mouse over the image to see the differences), further reducing any seeming advantage of the full-frame setup. You would not much like the results with a 2X TC, let alone stacking TCs.

  4. If 560mm is not enough reach, you will have "nowhere to go" with the full-frame setup, whereas on the 7D you can still slap on the teleconverter and likely get a much better result than you would by cropping the full-frame image. (And, remember, the 7D without the TC will have a bit longer effective reach than the 5D Mark II with the TC.)

  5. Optical differences are hard to assess without comparing both in the field and filling the frame with the intended subject. Note however that besides the optical impact of the TC noted above, the 7D + naked 400 f/5.6L would be expected to have more consistent edge and corner performance than the 5D Mark II + 400 f/5.6L + 1.4X TC. Balancing this "sweet spot" effect of using a crop camera is that the lens will be challenged a bit more by the higher pixel density of the APS-C camera. Still, with such a high-quality prime, you will still get quite excellent results on the 7D wide open.

  6. The 7D offers other advantages in autofocus, frame rate and build.

You may also note that the pixel-count difference here is nearly negligible, only about 300-400 pixels in each dimension. For all these reasons I'd lean toward the 7D, at least without a chance to field-test them both.

我認為他使用的是400mm f / 5.6L,而不是100-400L。
一些小問題,如果您裁剪5D圖像以使其與7D FOV相匹配,您將*完全*抵消5D的聚光優勢。 5.較小的7D傳感器的“最佳點”效果也適用於增距鏡,因為邊緣永遠不會進入圖像!隨著許多效果的消除,圖像質量應該非常相似,但是7D便宜且具有更好的AF,因此是顯而易見的選擇。
...加上7D可以提供更大的覆蓋範圍。但是,對於全幀組合可以在沒有TC的情況下填滿整個幀的時代,在良好的光線下,圖像質量會非常相似,也許在較低的光線下會略微支持5D。在5D Mark II上使用TC後,它將傾向於使用7D。
2012-12-31 01:38:37 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink




Roger Krueger
2015-09-16 19:23:00 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

鏡頭加轉換器為f8-不會專注於5dII。我認為只有f8 AF的機身是1dx。



轉換器對作物傳感器有意義的唯一方法是,如果它使最終圖像中的像素明顯增加。 5dII僅比7d具有3mp的優勢,即使這樣,它在很大程度上也失去了1.4倍與1.6倍的差異。


5DmkIII和7DmkII也可以在最大光圈f / 8時自動對焦(在實時取景中,由於雙像素技術,我相信70D可以在f / 11時做到這一點)。這裡的主要問題是5DMkII具有一個非常原始的自動對焦系統:9個自動對焦點(六個隱藏輔助點),只有中央一個為十字型。它不是快速動作的相機,這就是創建5DMkIII的原因。
2012-12-31 01:11:02 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I'm not a bird photographer and I never had such a long lens, but as I understand the Full Frame 5D mkII should give you much better quality in terms of light, considering that you're using a f/5.6 lens. but on the other hand the 7D is a much faster camera, with 8fps, and it should be very useful for fast moving subjects.

5Dmk2 is a 21MP camera, that's 3MP more than 7D, so you can always crop the images and it should cover your need of a longer lens.

該問答將自動從英語翻譯而來。原始內容可在stackexchange上找到,我們感謝它分發的cc by-sa 3.0許可。